Thursday, April 4, 2013

Struggling With Your Weight?

The last few years, I have been trying to lose weight. I tried the "low carb thing", the "all protein thing", the "all fruit thing" and various other diets. Now, I have come to the realization that I need a total overhaul of every habit I have from eating to fitness.

After 40, the things that I did in the past no longer worked. I could go on a brisk walk across campus and loose a few pounds. Those were the days! So, finding a new way to keep weight off has been crucial. I'm not willing to deprive myself of foods anymore. I'm looking for something that will sustain and last for a lifetime. I know too many individuals my age that are starting to pack on the weight. I do not want to fall into that category. I would like to go into my retirement years as healthy as possible.

For eating, I'm trying to eat smaller portions. I substitute higher calorie foods for lower calorie foods. I do not think that deprivation is ever the way to go when eating a healthy diet. I know I would not be able to sustain an eating regiment that told me that I could not eat the things that I like. The key to my weight loss is eating what I love in moderation. For example, I might eat a salad instead of French fries. Or I might drink water instead of sweet tea. Or I might eat a turkey burger instead of hamburger. I still love both of those items, but try not to eat them all the time.

For exercise, I used to get up at 5 a.m., at least, 3 days a week. I would briskly walk on the treadmill for about 45 minutes to an hour. Well, my life has gotten more hectic. This no longer works on a daily basis. So, I mix it up. I still get up early. Now, I get up at 5:30 a.m. Instead of walking for 45 minutes to an hour. I walk for 30 minutes. Later in the day, I take a brisk 30 minute walk at work (weather permitting). I still get the same workout, but I do this around a schedule that works for me. That is a great feeling. I've currently lost 10 pounds. I have kept those pounds off the last 2 months! This is exciting! I'm well on my way.

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