Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Three Steps To Muscle Building Progress

By Russ Howe

There is so much confusion online surrounding information on how to build muscle that it is no surprise most fitness enthusiasts find it difficult to get anywhere near the kind of results they want to achieve. Today we will show you how to get past this confusion and generate further results in the gym.

Depending how much research you have done, you may already be aware that in order to force progress from your body you need to be very consistent in your efforts in the gym. But hitting the gym is the easy part and today we shall show you the bits which the majority of people overlook.

The most ridiculous aspect of the health and fitness industry is the amount of conflicting advice out there. Particularly online, which is a virtual mix and match bag of completely different theories. This leads to so many people becoming incredibly lost with their fitness that they just have no clue where to start. In order to get consistent results it's a good idea to get the basics down first.

Every day we are asked by gym members for tips on this subject and there are 3 questions which people appear to have more confusion with. We have answered them below for you...

* What is the optimal number of repetitions to do?

* What do you need to eat?

* How often should you train for maximum results?

The optimal zone for stimulating lean tissue growth is between eight and twelve reps for most exercises. This means you do not need to spend the countless high repetition sets on most exercises, particularly your big compound lifts, so make the most of this knowledge and begin applying it right now. You should see results from this method very quickly.

If you have already been achieving the right reps you should also try incorporating proven building techniques like super sets and drop sets.

Believe it or not, more people get lost with their diet than with their training. So the next section is devoted to showing you how to create a simple but effective diet plan.

Eating the right type of food will determine what type of size you add. You can't expect to get big and stay lean if you are feasting on junk foods. Remember it's not just about how many calories you consume, it's also about where those calories come from.

You do not need to watch every single calorie, of course, but having a rough idea of what to eat is an advantage. The 3-5-2 concept has proven most effective and will keep you on the right track. Try to split your calories between 30% protein, 50% carbohydrate and 20% fat. That simple idea is the basis of a solid building diet.

The most overlooked aspect of training is rest. You should try to avoid going to the gym every day, the more rest you allow your body the chance to grow. So be sure to pack in a few days of kicking back from your training. If it proves hard to resist the urge to go workout, think of a rest day as a day of growth.

If you are stuck in a rut and don't know how to build muscle today's article will have you moving along in leaps and bounds. Try to abide by the rules in today's post, all of which are backed up by years of scientific studies and research, you will be able to break through any plateau.

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