Tuesday, June 23, 2015

What You Can Learn By Consulting With A Positive Thinking Coach

By Bernadette Martin

If you are struggling in many areas of life, you may need to change your mindset. Altering the way that you think can help you develop a positive and proactive attitude and it will also allow you to start getting better results. This is a change that you can make by working with a positive thinking coach.

Getting a coach to help you change the way you think might seem extreme, but you can actually face a number of fairly major problems due to a poor mindset. Actually, this is usually why people are too intimidated by life to try something new. A low self-image and a negative mindset can even have an impact on your personal and business relationships.

One of the first things that these coaches will address is how you talk to yourself in your own mind. It is not uncommon for people to say discouraging things to themselves when confront with new and challenging task. People often make the mistake of talking down on themselves as well, whether regarding their weight or their individual abilities.

Lots of people struggle with a problem called automatic negative thinking. When new and challenging circumstances arise, they automatically say bad things to themselves. This practice tends to make people less confident, less proactive and much less effective, which in turn diminishes their overall life qualities and well-being.

The way that people think about themselves is largely connected to the relationships and experiences that occurred during their earliest stages of life. Growing up in a negative environment and having people talk to you in a negative of degrading fashion has likely impacted how you talk to yourself. This makes it necessary for people to make peace with the negative experiences in their pasts in therapy, so that they can start moving forward.

Those who participate in these sessions are often encouraged to take actions that make them feel uncomfortable. For instance, you will be encouraged to do things that you feel incapable of doing. You will also be told to reaffirm yourself throughout these efforts by telling yourself that you are capable of doing the job at hand. This will keep you motivated and moving forward even when a challenging task makes you feel incapable and afraid.

People can start feeling good about who they are and about what they can do by making positive affirmations. These affirmations can be used each time that negative emotions begin to discourage you. Actually, you want to make these affirmations everyday and should try to do so both in the morning and at night. You will begin to believe the good things that you say to yourself if you make sure to say them often enough.

After you have successfully changed your thought patterns, your life will begin to gradually change in a surprising number of ways. If you are expected rapid and immediate changes you could find yourself becoming discouraged but with a bit of consistency even longstanding obstacles can be overcome. Getting coaching will make it a lot easier for you to persevere in these efforts.

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