Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How to Get The Benefits of Juicing

It's amazing what juicing does for my body. Age disappears, wrinkles disappear, weight diminishes, the attitude and energy of a child emerge. These are just some of the benefits of juicing.

I learned a long time ago that the negative effects of "aging" are not simply caused by getting older, it's mostly caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body, over longer and longer periods of time. And if you'll simply clean out all that trash, you'll be absolutely amazed at the results and how you will feel.

I started doing fruit and vegetable juicing in the 1970s, and have continued on and off, since then to get the benefits of juicing.

Not just juicing, but juice fasts. A fast is where you do nothing but fresh, raw fruit and vegetable juices.

At first I'd do just a few days of only live, raw juices. Over time I added more and more days.

After I discovered that the first few days were the hardest, and the longer I went the easier it was, the more weight I lost (about a pound a day), the more energy I had and the better I felt, I gradually worked my way up to a month or so.

My last three fasts were for 39 days each.

Now before you ever attempt doing a juice fast, be sure and get a good book on the subject and study it well, so that you do it right. Because if you do it wrong, it will add aging, wrinkles, sickness and even worse. So, do it right, or don't do it at all.

Over the last few decades I've been told three times, by three different people, that I looked like a little child in my face. I was over 40 years old, by that time.

It gets really simple when you're hungry; just to go in and turn on the juicer and juice away.

It's amazing how just a glass of fresh, raw juice can fill you up and really satisfy you. It's all those enzymes, or what I call "Life Force", and the tens of thousands of phytonutrients that just completely satisfy your body, because it is giving it exactly what the body needs, nutrition wise. And once the stomach shrinks and hunger goes away, after about 4 days, you'll lose the urge to "fill up", and bloating will no longer equal satisfaction.

The benefits of juicing are exceptional and great! But there are a few inherent problems with juicing. It can cost quite a bit to buy all those fresh fruits and vegetables. Then there's the preparation and the mess afterwards that has to be cleaned up; not to mention taking apart and washing the juicer time and time again.
But it's all worth it, with renewed energy, a clear mind and a great attitude, along with younger looks and abilities.

James Sikes is an author, humanitarian and expert in the field of health and healing. Get the benefits of juicing, but without the hassle.

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