Monday, April 1, 2013

Disadvantages to Weight Loss and the Effects It May Cause on Your Health

Mostly everyone knows that losing weight is a healthy thing to do. If one is healthier, he has more energy, feels good about himself, and is able to live his life to the fullest. Weight loss is painted as a one-sided story-that one simply has to lose weight and that it will automatically prove to be a positive experience. However, there are certain side effects that accompany weight loss and these may prove to be difficult to deal with.

Stretch Marks:
For all those who have lost large amounts of weight, they will know that losing those pounds came with a significant price. Although they may have enjoyed the advantages of such an incredible feat, the effect of getting rid of all that fat does create problems in one's body. The appearance of stretch marks and saggy skin, where all the fat was once stored, is not a pleasant sight for anyone. Although there are certain creams that can help with the stretch marks, the saggy skin can only be treated with surgery and the surgery itself is a luxury that few can afford.

Weight is usually regained:
As with every quick fix method, the weight lost acquired through crash diets or supplements is usually quickly regained. If not done the right way, the lost pounds eventually come back more often than not in a short span of time. This will ultimately have wasted one's time and energy.

Difficult to maintain:
After one loses weight, it can be quite difficult to maintain the lost weight. This is because the less a person weighs, the fewer calories he burns. Thus, an individual would have to exercise more and eat less than he originally started out with. This would require a proper diet and workout plan which can be altered according to the body's current weight and needs.

Extreme cases of weight loss:
After a person has achieved his target weight, the feeling may be so overwhelming that he may decide to keep on going at it. Although it is a healthy option to not be overweight, being underweight is also not feasible. People tend to go overboard and develop eating disorders or extreme cases of exercise obsessions. Such people dedicate their lives to looking good and being thin to such an extent that they overlook the disadvantages of falling deeper in the pit. If left untreated, these people can cause harm to their bodies in the long run.

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