Monday, April 1, 2013

Who Wants to Lose Weight - Who Sets the Trend?

Weight loss is an obsession which truly transcends all boundaries of the world. It is common in all countries and all levels of society. However some people care more about the number of pounds on their body compared to others. Such as:

Weight loss in celebrities:
The rich and famous are more concerned with the idea of dieting and maintaining weight as they can afford the luxury of caring about their appearance. Similarly celebrities are also much more diet conscious because they are always in the limelight and many people look up to them as their ideals. So the pressure of looking smart, slim and perfect is all the more on them. There are many examples of models, actresses and even sports stars crumbling under the pressure of staying thin to look good for the cameras, ultimately losing both their health and their careers.

Weight loss in students:
Student life is a time of fun, education, and enjoyment, but more than anything it is a time of tooth-and-nail competition. Peer pressure and the drive to become popular are the main factors responsible for creating an overwhelming sense of inferiority in over-weight and borderline heavy students. This leads them to search for tips on how to lose weight and this situation is alarming because it leads to loss of confidence and consequently bad performance in academics. Parental support and guidance are mandatory to prevent such an outcome.

Weight loss in the soon-to-be-married:
Another group of individuals desperate to lose weight is that of the soon-to-be-married. For most people, their wedding is the 'big day', one of the most anticipated days of their lives. Hence they wish to look absolutely slim and perfect and better than everyone else on the occasion. This need forces both men and women to undergo crash dieting and hard exercise sessions in the days preceding the function.

Weight loss in women:
It is a common observation that women are much more paranoid about weight gain and more obsessive about weight loss than men. This difference stems from the fact that societies' norms dictate that a woman's appearance and looks should be her best asset and without a healthy dose of figure and beauty, she will not have any place in the social framework of life. Society also dictates that 'skinny is beauty' and 'fatty is ugly'. So regardless of her achievements in academics and profession, a woman feels confident only when she achieves the desired lowest possible weight.

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