Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Honey & Water in weight loss

Honey and water together have health benefits for your body. When you include them into a weight-loss plan that includes healthy foods and increased physical activity, they might help you melt off the pounds. You can consume honey and water separately or combine them for a sweet beverage.Many people might not connect eating something sweet with weight loss, but honey may be a useful trick to help you shed some pounds.
Honey is a simple sugar, but unlike white processed sugar it contains vitamins, minerals and nutrients. When the body digests processed sugar it uses vitamins and minerals in the digestion process, rendering the sugar empty of any nutritional value. Honey helps speed up metabolism, which in turn helps the body burn more fat.
Water is a healthier option than beverages high in sugar, such as soda, alcohol and juice. It also helps to break down food in your body. According to the website Help Guide, people often confuse thirst with hunger, so having a drink of water or a hot beverage from water instead of a snack can help you avoid consuming extra calories.
The vitamins and minerals in honey--including vitamin B, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, zinc and magnesium--can facilitate your body dissolve  fat and cholesterol, Honey contains  antioxidants that may neutralize free radicals that destroy cells.  one tablespoon of honey has sixty four calories and no fat. it is also 5 times sweeter than sugar, therefore you would like less of it to sweeten beverages and food items. Sipping on water with a meal might help you feel full for longer. Honey also has a relatively low glycemic index, which can help you feel full, lose weight and control diabetes, according to Oregon Health & Science University.
To combine the benefits of honey and water, Organic Facts recommends mixing 1 tablespoon of honey with 1 tablespoon of hot water. For a beverage that's less sweet, try increasing the amount of water. The honey will dissolve in the hot water. You can also add some honey to unsweetened tea made with hot water.


Honey water won't just help you lose weight. Honey is a wonderful cleansing tonic and has powerful anti bacterial and antioxidant properties. It will help to strengthen your digestive system, help you fight disease and improve your health. Honey is a great immunity system booster and is also known to have anti cancer properties.
If you’re diabetic, or have other blood-sugar control issues, be aware that honey has the same carbohydrates as white sugar and can therefore affect your blood sugar the same way. Also, be careful not to eat too much honey. Honey is, after all, intended to be food for baby bees and to help them put on weight. As such, honey is a calorie-dense food. Measure the honey so you know how much you’re using so you don’t consume too much.
Keep in mind that there is no simple or guaranteed way to lose weight. You need to focus on a healthy diet and regular physical activity. 
Fore more information on ways of weight loss, visit . Our site is packed with effective, research backed weight loss tips and advice.